Deploying open source software programming languages and applications
If your organisation has made the decision to deploy open source software programming languages and applications like PHP, MySQL, MariaDB and WordPress then we can offer support.

Using direct SQL calls and plugins to address data import and export requirements
We can offer development and support of applications that require moving data from one platform to another. This might be a one off migration of data to facilitate the take-on of transactions and masterfile information for a new application and platform or the ongoing synchronisation of records across disparate systems whether they be proprietary or open source.

XML is another language that is used across many B2B industries to share information between customers and suppliers. Although there is often good support for consuming XML documents sometimes one end needs to be enhanced in order to meet requirements at the other end.

Utilising APIs
Many open source systems these days contain APIs to allow new functionality to be easily deployed and other times direct calls to the database have to be used with local or remote methods such as ODBC, JDBC and SQL.

Data Interfaces
Providing data interfaces between systems can involve many areas from network connectivity at various protocol layers including physical devices to high level application functionality that enables the data to be imported to the correct tables in the right format.
Deploying open source packages
The IBM i platform offers the ability for end users to deploy a multitude of open source packages and not have to understand the underlying technologies but from time to time it may be necessary to go under the covers and make changes in order to allow the software to interact with the business in the required way. Novagem can help with this process.